A humorist, writer and photographer who is 3rd generation Orange County native.
She also has two shorter people that call her mom on a regular basis.
She contains large amounts of sarcasm and trace residue of snark.
Flush with copious amounts of wine to release inappropriate table dancing.
The Glamorous Life Association is Marcy's blog
where all things funny, odd and vintage are revered.
Herself included.
Come on by for a visit, just step over the Legos and laundry on your way in.
She has a fan club too!
(okay it is fan page that she set up herself, but who is counting)
Stop by and be her friend (this is so junior high) and become an Association member why you are at it....
Do you Twitter?
Come follow me HERE if you want the play by play of my life as it happens. And read such compelling tweets as;
"I fought the bra and the bra won"
Great read, i was talking to a friend the other night about the same issue and gave him this url to visit.
Posted by: Virtula Dj 6.1 Key Download | 12/22/2010 at 08:43 PM