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http://sikis18.org/ - zetaclear vs fungisil Post a link to your site(s) in your profile and make it visible to anyone who visits your Facebook page. You may be surprised how many personal friends, or even business colleagues, aren't aware of all you do and can offer.
The best way to garner the most attention is to create a Page. You will first need to have the basic information about your business available. Decide on a page name and find any images you want to upload to your page. Create an image of your company logo to use for your profile picture. Have a description ready for your Web site, product, brand, or company. Choose one of three categories for your business: Local Business, Brand or Product, or Public Band/Artist/Figure. Then enter your business name. After you submit this information, your page will look very similar to a personal profile Facebook page. Next upload your logo, provide business information, contact information, hours of operation if applicable, and a general description of your business. Congratulations! You just published your Business Page on Facebook.

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